Wednesday, March 27, 2013


So this past weekend, Ethan and I snuck away to Music City for the weekend. I have a cousin who lives in Nashville pursuing her country career and she and her parents let us crash with them. We had a great time. I mean, a really, really great time. You know how sometimes, things don't go as planned? And on paper, you would be totally justified in being dissapointed - but you're not?

That is exactly how I feel about this weekend. Let me explain.

We planned on going to the Grand Ole Opry - that didn't happen. We planned on going to The Blue Bird Cafe - that didn't happen either. It was windy, rainy and freezing all weekend. And we must have spent about 40% of our trip waiting in lines, outside, in the freezing, windy, rain.

Sounds like a pitiful trip, right?

But actually, it wasn't. It was exactly what Ethan and I needed.

Firstly, it's called Music City for a reason, and with singing and guitar picking everywhere we went, our little music-lovin' hearts were in heaven!

And secondly, we spent time with family and were even able to hear my cousin sing a couple of times. Plug: Check her out - she's pretty great. :)

We loved getting to know my family a little better, eating some of the best food we've had in a while and enjoying the sounds of this music-filled town. We were won over and will definitely be back soon, Coskery family. :)

Below are a few pictures from our trip!

Colby Dee's dad, Stephen took this picture of downtown
Nashville, and it's just too pretty not to post...

Country Music Hall of Fame!
It was cool to see little pieces of history,
like the actual paper Dolly Parton wrote "Jolene" on.

Did I mention we stumbled upon Gunnar and Hailey
from the show "Nashville"?
 Gunnar sounds so much hotter with his real, Brittish accent.

Honky Tonkin' errry night.

Of all the lines we waited in,
Pancake Pantry was totally worth it.
Sweet Potato Pancakes and I shut my mouth.

My super talented cousin, Colby Dee and her
bandmate, Jake Etheridge. They're awesome together.

Prettiest view of Nashville from Pedestrian Walk.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

30 by 30

Okay, so here it is. Here is my list of 30 goals I wish to accomplish by the time I'm 30. My hope is by putting in writing what I want to acheive, I will hold myself accountable to actually doing it. We'll see.

I also hope it inspires others to make a list. Obviously not everyone I know is under the age of 30 and some are getting closer each day (ahem... Ethan) but, whatever milestone is approaching or timeline fits for you - I hope you set some goals for yourself. We should all be challenging each other to do better and be better. So here's my challenge to you... set some goals, write them down and check them off. Here's to my next four years...

1. Write and record my own song. I've never really tried to write a song and I have no idea what I would write about but, it's worth a shot.

2. Read 5 books. Laugh all you want, but I just don't like to read. (Suggestions on a good read are welcome)

3. Read the entire Bible.

4. Be within reach of having our school debt paid off. And then begin planning a celebration...

5. Have another kid. Boy or girl, I don't care. But, if for some reason we aren't able to have another child by the time I'm 30 - we're pulling the plug. Or cutting it. Or whatever...

6. Bungee jump or skydive. Or both.

7. Take Ethan to Savannah. He's never been and it is one of my favorite places - so, on the list you go.

8. Stop biting my nails. I envy women with pretty nails, and in my rage of envy I bite mine away.

9. Learn to play at least one full song on the piano or guitar.

10. Live an active and healthy lifestyle. My goal is not to diet or be in the gym everyday of the week. I just want to do things in my spare time that are more active while snacking on a veggie instead of an oreo.

11. Cook a Top-chef type of meal, "plate" it and eat it on our china.

12. Take a cruise or two, or three. We always start to plan one and then another trip gets in the way.

13. Complete a full round of golf. I love to swing the club, I just don't like to keep the score. :)

14. Go to Poland again. That trip changed my life more than I may ever know and I would love nothing more than to go back again, with my husband.

15. Take Avery to Disney World. It really is a magical place.

16. Learn how to load and shoot a gun.

17. Finish or be on the path to finishing my degree.

18. Travel to 5 different U.S. cities I've never been. New Orleans sounds nice, or Dallas, New York City, Boston, Chicago, Charleston, St. Louis...

19. Find a career that I am proud of and passionate about.

20. Go to the Grand Ole Opry. Even though we're going next week, I couldn't leave it off the list. 1. It gives me one to go ahead and check off and 2. It's been on this country music lover's "list" far too long.

21. Learn to be at peace with relationships I can't change.

22. Sing the National Anthem at a Braves Game.

23. Start a few traditions with Avery. Maybe going to a specific place for breakfast on his birthday, or opening one gift on Christmas Eve, or playing hookie and having a "Fun Day" once a year. Whatever... just a fun memory that is all ours. 

24. Swim with the dolphins.

25. Learn to sew. I don't want to try out for Project Runway or anything, but being able to hymn my own pants would be nice.

26. Host a holiday dinner at our house.

27. Build something for our house. A bookcase, shelves, birdhouse... I don't care - just something.

28. See a broadway musical in New York City. I still have never been...

29.Take a big family Christmas trip. Gifts are great, but let's be real - anything I buy my family, they don't need. I'd rather spend the money on a vacation and give my family a better gift - my time.

30. Have an amazing 80's themed 30th Birthday Bash at a skating rink. Dead. Serious.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Stuck in a rut.

If I'm being completely honest, I've felt a little "stuck" lately. And if I'm being even more honest, I have felt this way in almost every area of my life. In my job, my church, my marriage, my parenting, my friends, my relationship with God. I keep feeling like there has to be something more. Something bigger. I should be doing something I love to do, not stuffing bills for a living. I should be more involved in growing the church that I love. I should be romancing my husband more. I should be spending more one-on-one time with my son. I should still set aside time for good old fashion girl-talk. And I should without fail make time to study and pursue my relationship with God. It's been a while since I have felt really close to God. I attend church every Sunday and I pray when things get tough, but I haven't had an intimate conversation, an intimate moment, an intimate relationship with Him in far too long.

I'm working on a list. A friend on facebook made a 30 by 30 list. It consists of goals, big and small, that she wants to accomplish by the time she's 30. It inspired me to put in writing things I want to accomplish. I should never stop setting goals for myself. I should never stop challenging myself. I should never stop pursuing.

So far I've come up with 5. So, needless to say, the list may take a while. Hey, maybe that will be on my list. To make a list by the time I'm 30. Also become a famous comedian. Clearly.

Friday, March 1, 2013

It's been a minute...

Today, like every other day, I had my daily Pinterest Devotional time. Oh, don't act like I'm the only one. You know, when you spend a ridiculous reasonable amount of time sifting through ideas from mommy blogs with ideas that you would have never  could have easily come up with on your own and then you steal borrow those ideas? See... I knew I wasn't alone.

Anyway while clicking away I remembered that there once was a time when I started a blog. In a land far far away called Pre-toddlerica. Where nap times reigned surpreme. It was a beautiful place.

Needless to say, it's been a year since I last posted on this thing and it's all Avery's fault. He's just so darn cute and most days, I would much rather watch his cuteness than blog about it. However, I love to write and it is kind of an outlet for me that I've missed. So, while I absolutely refuse to sacrifice time with my son just to have my nose stuck in a computer, I do promise to keep this updated more often than twice a year.

It would take entirely too long to write all that's happened in the past year, so below are some photos that should paint a pretty good picture.

I'm back in the blogging saddle again. You've been warned.

Colorado Ski Trip
March 2012

Easter 2012

Braves Home Opener
April 13, 2012
Hank Aaron Benefit Dinner
Summer 2012

Our first family beach trip
September 2012
Avery's 2nd Birthday
October 2012

Our sweet nephew, Hollis James Waters was born.
October 9th 2012

Jungle Cup
December 2012

Christmas 2012

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Love Wins

 This week our small group finished up a book called Love Wins by Rob Bell. I highly recommend it to anyone who has questions about, well, anything. The book itself is a series of questions that most, if not all of us ponder at some point in our walk with God. Some say his book challenges what the bible teaches. I didn't get that at all. I took comfort in knowing I wasn't the only one asking those questions. And, spoiler alert: none of the questions are answered. Sorry. How could they be when none of us could possibly understand the magnitude of God and his decisions?

Ethan and I sat last night just talking about what we learned from the book and what specific points really spoke to us. There were several, but one in particular struck a chord with me.

In his book, Bell suggests that maybe heaven and hell are not only literal destinations, but they are also realities that we can experience here and now. That being a part of the Kingdom of God is not just a physical place that we go to after we've done our time on this earth, but perhaps it is all around us waiting for us to participate right now. Often times we become too concerned with doing the right things get to heaven later.  Instead, why don't we do the right things now, to experience heaven now? 

I love that! How exciting, that we not only get an invitation to heaven, but we can get our hands dirty and be a part of building it. This thought has me asking myself "What am I doing to participate in the Kingdom of God now? Or, am I just waiting at the bus stop for the next ride to those streets of gold over yonder?". 

God calls us for more than that. God calls us to be a part of something big that's happening right now! He calls us to smile at the stranger who is going through something we could only imagine. He calls us to forgive the person who has done us wrong. He calls us to step up and commit ourselves to building his church whether it be in the walls of an old car dealership or on the streets of Atlanta. 

He's calling us to be a part of His Kingdom right now. 

Gives a whole new meaning to heaven on Earth, doesn't it?

Monday, January 9, 2012

New Year, New Post

My blog fan base of one (Aunt Lynn) recently reminded me that I haven't posted a blog in a while. Things get crazy during the month of December -  the holidays leave little time for blogging. So, I apologize for my sporadic entries.

At the risk of sounding like a total preacher's wife, Ethan delivered an amazing sermon this past Sunday that really spoke to me. It was titled 'Make the Most of Everyday' and was fitting for the start of a new year. He talked about accepting responsibility for your actions, believing you can change, recognizing what is and isn't healthy in your life and not hesitating to start NOW! For me, it spoke to exactly what I have been thinking about for the new year and the changes I need to make in my life to be a healthier and happier me.

I'm excited for the new year and all the possibilities it holds. I can't wait to knock out some projects in our new home. I am so looking forward to watching Avery grow over the next year and teaching him all sorts of new things - while he unknowingly will do for us. We're starting a new book in our church small group and I can guarantee I've never been so pumped about reading a book. I'm excited about new friends and building more relationships. But more than that - I'm excited about the times I won't expect. The times when God throws a wrench in all the plans and preparation I've made - because looking back, those are the times that have the best outcomes. Every great thing in my life (my marriage, my child, my home, etc) has stemmed from an unexpected change. While I think it's important to hope and plan, I am fully aware life sometimes gets in the way.

So, bring it on 2012 - I may not be ready for you, but it's probably better that way.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

A Reason for the Season?

Everything happens for a reason. A cliché to the fullest, but I
believe it to be true. I don’t believe that things happen
In 9th grade I was in an accident involving cheerleaders, a homecoming
float and tootsie rolls – another story for another day. After my
accident Pastor Ray (who I did not know at the time) reached out to me
and invited me to his church – The Village Church. I immediately fell
in love with the atmosphere and felt genuinely cared about, which was
something lacking at the church I was attending at the time. After my
first Village experience, I was sold and became involved with the
youth, began singing on the praise team and eventually signed up for a
mission trip to Poland that would forever change my life. A trip that
was originally planned for 7-8 people ultimately dwindled down to
myself, Pastor Ray and Ethan - awkward.  What I thought was nothing
more than an opportunity to travel and sing ended up being the
beginning of a friendship that would eventually become what it is
today – a wonderful marriage with a beautiful son with God at the
center of both.
What’s the point of my rambling? I honestly believe that God has a
bigger plan that we can’t even imagine.  Do I think God pushed me off
the homecoming float so that I would be invited to the church? No. I
do, however, think he allowed something wonderful to come of it.  If I
had not been in the accident, maybe I would have never found The
Village, which in turn, means I would have never fallen in love with
my best friend.
Life is crazy and most times makes no sense
whatsoever, but take comfort in knowing that there is a bigger plan
made by the Creator himself.