Wednesday, November 16, 2011

A Reason for the Season?

Everything happens for a reason. A cliché to the fullest, but I
believe it to be true. I don’t believe that things happen
In 9th grade I was in an accident involving cheerleaders, a homecoming
float and tootsie rolls – another story for another day. After my
accident Pastor Ray (who I did not know at the time) reached out to me
and invited me to his church – The Village Church. I immediately fell
in love with the atmosphere and felt genuinely cared about, which was
something lacking at the church I was attending at the time. After my
first Village experience, I was sold and became involved with the
youth, began singing on the praise team and eventually signed up for a
mission trip to Poland that would forever change my life. A trip that
was originally planned for 7-8 people ultimately dwindled down to
myself, Pastor Ray and Ethan - awkward.  What I thought was nothing
more than an opportunity to travel and sing ended up being the
beginning of a friendship that would eventually become what it is
today – a wonderful marriage with a beautiful son with God at the
center of both.
What’s the point of my rambling? I honestly believe that God has a
bigger plan that we can’t even imagine.  Do I think God pushed me off
the homecoming float so that I would be invited to the church? No. I
do, however, think he allowed something wonderful to come of it.  If I
had not been in the accident, maybe I would have never found The
Village, which in turn, means I would have never fallen in love with
my best friend.
Life is crazy and most times makes no sense
whatsoever, but take comfort in knowing that there is a bigger plan
made by the Creator himself.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Cabo Wabo

Traveling is something that Ethan and I talk about all the time and certainly something we want to do more of, but life always seems to get in the way. So, when we got the opportunity to travel to Cabo San Lucas for the wedding of two of our closest friends - we took it. Having a husband who does several weddings a year, I can honestly say this was one of the most beautiful and emotionally filled weddings I have ever attended or been a part of. The wedding was held in an inside/outside chapel in the middle of a gorgeous resort where family and friends were staying.
Sunday we enjoyed a little time by the pool before heading in to downtown Cabo San Lucas for the "Welcome Party". The dinner was held at another hotel that had a view of the famous arch. The food was amazing and we were serenaded by an authentic Mexican Trio. After dinner we hung around and enjoyed a night on the town at Squid Roe.
Monday Ethan and I went zip lining in the middle of the desert. It was an unexpected work out but well worth the sweating when you're going 50 miles through the middle of canyons in Mexico. Once we made it back to the hotel we laid by the pool for a little while before getting ready for the rehearsal. The rehearsal dinner was combined with a beach party being held at the resort. The food (again) was amazing and the live band set the tone for the night playing tons of classic rock!
Tuesday was the big day! I hung with the girls all day and enjoyed getting pampered by the best in Cabo - it was awful. :) The wedding was absolutely beautiful. There was so much love in that chapel, not only for the bride and groom but between all the friends and family who traveled so far to witness this special day and of course the love for the Mother of the Bride who was looking down on her daughter with the biggest smile, I'm sure. Then it was time for the reception! It was at the resort and while we waited for the couple to finish up taking pictures we enjoyed a cocktail hour with some of the BEST crab cakes I've ever had. The guestbook was so cute and each couple/person/family took a polaroid picture and had a page to fill out with their favorite memory with the couple and advice for marriage. The reception was a blast and ended with fire dancers who made for the perfect conclusion to a wonderful day!
Wednesday should have been my last day, but thanks to an overbooked flight I had one more day in paradise! We decided to go snorkeling and just hang in downtown and do a little bartering with the locals. It was a perfect last day. Here are some pictures!

Cabo Azul
Welcome Party

The Gang at Squid Roe

Zipping in the Canyons!

Beach Party/Rehearsal Dinner
Cabo Azul

The Beautiful Bride

After the Wedding

Fire Dancers

The Arch

We had a GREAT TIME!
Ethan and I couldn't stop saying to each other how blessed we are to be able to travel to such a stunning location. It really lit a fire in us to make a priority to travel more. We can't wait to figure out our next destination - suggestions are welcome. :)

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Look whoo's one!

Is is just me or has this year flown by? So much has happened in the past 12 months that sometimes I can't believe it's only been a year. October 8th, 2010 our world was turned upside down and we have loved every minute of it.
Last Saturday we celebrated Avery's 1st birthday. Ethan will tell you I've been planning the party since he was born, but that's a lie - I've been planning it since after he was born. It was an owl themed party and we certainly had a hoot! I had so much fun putting everything together, but the best part was to see all the people who came to celebrate with us. The amount of love shown to Avery and our family that day was overwhelming!
We had a great time eating camp style foods such as, grilled chesses, fruit kabobs and smores! I'm so proud of the adorable owl cupcake cake we had - that couldn't have been done with out my amazing birthday assistant and best friend, Angela. It was a beautiful day and a good friend of ours offered to take pictures! Here are some of the highlights!

Friday, October 7, 2011


I've decided to take a stab at this whole blogging thing. I love the idea of getting to jot down happenings, milestones and just random thoughts and then sharing them with you. I apologize in advance for any rambling that may occur or any soap boxes that I might have a hard time coming down from. Hope you enjoy!

To fill you in on the last chapter in our lives: Ethan and I have just purchased our first house and are loving every moment of "nesting", if you will. We're so excited to be near the city and are slowly learning the ropes of this unique town called East Point. Tomorrow we will be celebrating Avery's first birthday party (post and pictures to come next week). It's hard to believe it's been a year since that big ol' 9lb 4oz baby came into our lives and screwed everything up for the better.

We are all adjusting to our new home and there is still so much work to be done. Here are some pictures of the beginning attempts to make this house our home. I'll continue to post as we add more furniture and our walls become less bare.