Monday, January 9, 2012

New Year, New Post

My blog fan base of one (Aunt Lynn) recently reminded me that I haven't posted a blog in a while. Things get crazy during the month of December -  the holidays leave little time for blogging. So, I apologize for my sporadic entries.

At the risk of sounding like a total preacher's wife, Ethan delivered an amazing sermon this past Sunday that really spoke to me. It was titled 'Make the Most of Everyday' and was fitting for the start of a new year. He talked about accepting responsibility for your actions, believing you can change, recognizing what is and isn't healthy in your life and not hesitating to start NOW! For me, it spoke to exactly what I have been thinking about for the new year and the changes I need to make in my life to be a healthier and happier me.

I'm excited for the new year and all the possibilities it holds. I can't wait to knock out some projects in our new home. I am so looking forward to watching Avery grow over the next year and teaching him all sorts of new things - while he unknowingly will do for us. We're starting a new book in our church small group and I can guarantee I've never been so pumped about reading a book. I'm excited about new friends and building more relationships. But more than that - I'm excited about the times I won't expect. The times when God throws a wrench in all the plans and preparation I've made - because looking back, those are the times that have the best outcomes. Every great thing in my life (my marriage, my child, my home, etc) has stemmed from an unexpected change. While I think it's important to hope and plan, I am fully aware life sometimes gets in the way.

So, bring it on 2012 - I may not be ready for you, but it's probably better that way.